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Operating System

This package allows you to deal with all interactions with the operating system in a declarative way.


composer require innmind/operating-system:~5.0


use Innmind\OperatingSystem\{

$os = Factory::build();
$os instanceof OperatingSystem; // returns true

You'll see in the following chapters all the ways you can use this object.

From this point on everytime you see the variable $os it refers to this object.


This package is not compatible with Windows.


By default the configuration of the $os should be fine for all use cases, but you can change some aspects via the Config object:

use Innmind\OperatingSystem\Config;

$os = Factory::build(

Here we tell the abstraction that we work on a case insensitive filesystem and that the HTTP client should not check the SSL certificates (1). But this class allows more configuration, you should take a look at all its methods.

  1. You should do this only when working locally. Do NOT do this in production.

Advanced usage

Full documentation available here.