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A Maybe monad represents the possible absence of a value.

This is an equivalent of a nullable value, but a more faithful representation would be an array containing 0 or 1 value.

In essence:

use Innmind\Immutable\Maybe;

$valueExist = 42;
$valueDoesNotExist = null;
// or
$valueExist = [42];
$valueDoesNotExist = [];
// becomes
$valueExist = Maybe::just(42);
$valueDoesNotExist = Maybe::nothing();

Each example will show how to use Maybe and the imperative equivalent in plain old PHP (1).

  1. The nullable approach is used as it's the dominant approach in PHP programs.


 * @return Maybe<User>
function getUser(int $id): Maybe {
    return match ($id) {
        42 => Maybe::just(new User),
        default => Maybe::nothing(),
function getUser(int $id): ?User {
    return match ($id) {
        42 => new User,
        default => null,

In this function we represent the fact that they're may be not a User (1) for every id. To work with the user, if there's any, you would do:

  1. This is a fake class.
    static fn(User $user) => doStuff($user),
    static fn() => userDoesntExist(),
match ($user = getUser(42)) {
    null => userDoesntExist(),
    default => doStuff($user),

As you can see the 2 approaches are very similar for now.

In this example the user is directly used as an argument to a function but we often want to extract some data before calling some function. A use case could be to extract the brother id out of this user (1) and call again our function.

  1. Via a method function getBrotherId(): int.
    ->map(static fn(User $user) => $user->getBrotherId())
    ->flatMap(static fn(int $id) => getUser($id))
        static fn(User $brother) => doStuff($brother),
        static fn() => brotherDoesNotExist(),
$user = getUser(42);

if (\is_null($user)) {


$brother = getUser($user->getBrotherId());

if (\is_null($brother)) {



This example introduces the map and flatMap methods. They behave the same way as their Sequence counterpart.

  • map will apply the function in case the Maybe contains a value
  • flatMap is similar to map except that the function passed to it must return a Maybe, instead of having the return type Maybe<Maybe<User>> (1) you'll have a Maybe<User>

    1. as you would by using map instead of flatMap

What this example shows is that with Maybe you only need to deal with the possible absence of the data when you extract it. While with the imperative style you need to deal with it each time you call a function.

This becomes even more flagrant if the method that returns the brother id itself may not return a value (1). The signature becomes function getBrotherId(): Maybe<int>.

  1. as one may not have one
    ->flatMap(static fn(User $user) => $user->getBrotherId()) #(1)
    ->flatMap(static fn(int $id) => getUser($id))
        static fn(User $brother) => doStuff($brother),
        static fn() => brotherDoesNotExist(),
  1. This is the only change, map is replaced by flatMap do deal with the possible absence.
$user = getUser(42);

if (\is_null($user)) {


$brotherId = $user->getBrotherId();

if (\is_null($brotherId)) {


$brother = getUser($brotherId);

if (\is_null($brother)) {



So far we do nothing in case our user doesn't have a brother. But what if we want to check if he has a sister in case he doesn't have a brother ? Maybe has an expressive way to describe such case:

        static fn(User $user) => $user
            ->otherwise(static fn() => $user->getSistserId()),
    ->flatMap(static fn(int $id) => getUser($id))
        static fn(User $sibling) => doStuff($sibling),
        static fn() => brotherDoesNotExist(),
$user = getUser(42);

if (\is_null($user)) {


$siblingId = $user->getBrotherId() ?? $user->getSisterId();

if (\is_null($siblingId)) {


$sibling = getUser($siblingId);

if (\is_null($sibling)) {



In the ecosystem

Maybe is used to express the abscence of data (1) or the possible failure of an operation (2). For the latter it is expressed via Maybe<Innmind\Immutable\SideEffect>, meaning if it contains a SideEffect the operation as succeeded otherwise it failed.

  1. Such as the absence of a file on the filesystem or the absence of an entity from a storage.
  2. Such as failing to upload a file to an S3 bucket.

It also has a deferred mode like Sequence that allows to not directly load in memory a value when you call $sequence->get($index). The returned Maybe in this case will load the value when you call the match method.