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Innmind comes with an optional profiler to help you debug your program.

It works for both HTTP (sync or async) and CLI programs.


composer require --dev innmind/debug:~4.0


use Innmind\Framework\{
use Innmind\Profiler\Web\Kernel as Profiler;
use Innmind\Debug\Kernel as Debug;
use Innmind\Url\Path;

new class extends Http {
    protected function configure(Application $app): Application
        return $app
                static fn() => Debug::inApp()->operatingSystem(), #(1)
            ->map(new MyMiddleware)
                static fn() => Profiler::inApp(Path::of('var/profiler/')), #(2)
                static fn() => Debug::inApp()->app(), #(3)
  1. This will record every calls made to the Operating System.
  2. This exposes the profiler's HTTP routes. The path is where the profiles will be stored.
  3. This will record the incoming HTTP requests and CLI commands and their results.

The Optional middleware will not call the underlying middleware if the class doesn't exist. This allows to automatically not declare the profiler in production, since it's a composer dev dependency.

You can then access the profiler via GET /_profiler/. It will show the list of recorded profiles:

is successful, is still running and failed.

This profiler's advantages is that you can see the profiles while it's being recorded. This means that you don't have to wait for a long CLI command to finish to see what happened.

The other advantage is the way profiles are stored: in a human readable way. If your program does a lot of things (like hundreds of HTTP calls) you can browse the profile's folder and look around individual calls.


You need to have graphviz installed to view this.

This is the object tree loaded to respond to a request/command.

You need to have graphviz installed to view this.