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Elapsed period

This is the number of microseconds between two points in time.

use Innmind\TimeContinuum\Clock;

$clock = Clock::live();
$start = $clock->now();
// do some stuff
$end = $clock->now();

$elapsed = $end->elapsedSince($start);

$elapsed is an instance of Innmind\TimeContinuum\ElapsedPeriod.

This is especially useful when working with network I/O to check for timeouts.

This example uses a monotonic clock internally to avoid the problem where the server clock re-synchronize and jump back in time. In this case $end is technically before $start but the elapsed period is still a positive int.


Bear in mind that the monotonic clock only works on PointInTimes returned by $clock->now(). If ->elapsedSince() is called on points returned by $clock->at() it will compare the number of microseconds since epoch.


ElapsedPeriod uses an int internally to represent the number of microseconds. If you compare two points far away between each other you may end up with an overflow.

Since this feature is mainly intended for network I/O handling the points should be close from one another. So this bug won't be addresed at least for now.